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GU-3001 精密型高斯計-上偉科技www.sunwe.com.tw
廣告類別:商品廣告 刊登區域:台灣各縣巿
GU-3001 精密型高斯計-上偉科技www.sunwe.com.tw


-3000 毫高斯 ~ +3000m 毫高斯

-300 u Tesla ~ +300u Tesla

直流 (DC) 及交流 (AC) 毫高斯測量

交流 (AC) 測量頻寬:40Hz ~ 10KHz


具有 N/S 極性指示功能 (DC)

讀值鎖定及記錄測量中之最大 / 最小值

RS-232 / USB 連接介面(軟體選購)

Size:173 X 68 X 42mm


DC/AC milligauss Magnetometer.
Using exclusive high sensitivity sensor ( better performance than the traditional Hall element sensor ), available for high precision magnetic field measurement.
Wide application for industrial, mechanical, material, electrical, laboratory field to check the material contains magnetic field value.
DC and AC magnetic field measurement
Wide measure range : ± 3,000 milligauss.
The meter can detect the magnetic fields as small as 0.1 milligauss.
N pole/S pole indicator.
Separate probe, easy operation and convenient for remote measurement.
High precision magnetometer, even can measure the absolute environment Earth's magnetic field as reference.
Zero adjustment button for relative measurement.
Large S-TN type LCD, high contrast, easy readout.
Data hold function for freezing the desired value on display.
Records Maximum and Minimum readings with Recall.
RS232/USB computer interface.
Microprocessor circuit assures maximum possible accuracy, provides special functions and features.
Heavy duty & compact housing with hard carrying case, designed for easy carry out & operation.
Auto shut off is available to save battery life.
Power supply from batteries or DC 9V adapter in.
型錄請參考上偉科技企業服務網 http://www.sunwe.com.tw:新品保固一年,滿3000元以上免運費專業的工程安裝及精確維修以"合法、專業"服務優質客戶,詢問正確價格或修理請來電 02-22267567上偉科技服務中心洽詢
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