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euro coin holder with waiter wallet,euro coin sorter
廣告類別:商品廣告 刊登區域:台灣各縣巿
手機:0905-914589 電話:0905-914589
euro coin holder with waiter wallet,euro coin sorter
euro coin holder with waiter wallet,euro coin sorter
he Cash Pouch is ideal for payment transactions and giving change. It combines 4 Note compartments and 8 denomination Euro Coin Holder.
The waiters can start with a fixed float and control their cash during their shift. Thanks to the Coin Holder it's very easy and quick to balance the till.The Cash Pouch also streamline the payment process in front of the customers.

Every coin is well organized and sorted inside the coin holder by denomination of euro coin.
The Coin Holder has a 100 Euros capacity among the  8 differents euro coins. The Coin Holder is placed in the last compartment of the purse or pouch

Made of resistant  cloth or leather with practical magnetic closure.
The Cash Pouch  is adaptable to the waist. A Cloth belt is included in both  models: Cloth and Leather made.
The light weight and small dimensions makes the Cash Pouch the perfect tool for waiters, bartenders, taxi drivers, etc..


Small order acceptable
Logo available
Door to door dlivery can be arranged

euro coin holder
euro coin dispenser
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